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Times of crisis force innovation (on both products and processes) as the traditional routes of resolution are closed or altered. Focusing on partnership and innovation during a crisis can push a health system to think differently when it aligns behind clear priorities and necessities.



Access to testing requires referral from a physician

Listen: Obtaining a referral for an inexpensive test can be expensive for patients, exposes additional persons to an ill patient and can ultimately slow down care.


Design: Collaborate with a handful of system physicians to determine what the goal of the referral exam would be (i.e. confirm symptoms) and design a tool that allows patients to complete online survey that uses AI technology to cross check answers and generate an auto referral for testing based on results.


Accelerate/Scale: Remove cost associated with visits by way of AI technology or ‘speed’ telehealth visits for the tech-adverse population. Work with communications team to market/encourage engagement with tool and process change.   


Health systems and pre/post acute care providers are managing care differently

Listen: Patients are frustrated that different messages are coming from providers. Providers are frustrated because there is a disconnect in best practices, care paths, etc.


Design: As a subset of crisis leadership, the health system will recognize the value of a collaborative workgroup amongst systems, (with click to local, state and federal officials).  The group will utilize working time to align on what each is seeing, what challenges they’re experiencing, what’s working, etc.


Accelerate/Scale: Once systems have established a working model to collaborate, discuss and design more regional best practices, the systems should similarly create workgroups with pre and post acute providers to run out the care path alignment on experiences (challenges/success) and needed changes.

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